Project Description

Teens Changing the World

Since 2012, Story Boldly’s Co-Founder, Jeff MacIntyre, has been leading digital storytelling workshops around the world. The workshops teach students how to find, tell and share stories that shine light on issues and people who have been forgotten by the media. Past global workshops have included:

  • Rwanda: 20 Years After Genocide. Students had the opportunity to meet and tell stories of genocide survivors.

  • Laos: Uncovering the Secret War. Students produced videos about the ongoing plight of locals living with unexploded ordnance from the Vietnam War.

  • Vietnam: Progress and Forgiveness. Students interviewed business owners and a general from the North Vietnamese Army.

  • Cambodia: Aftermath of the Khmer Rouge

  • Cuba: A New Chapter in Hope

  • Guatemala: The Forgotten Genocide

Kids With Cameras Rock!

Without fail, these teens continue to amaze with depth and compassion. Arm a kid with a smartphone and some storytelling skills and stand back. Far from SELFIES, the work produced is SELFLESS with a goal to inspire and inform. It’s no surprise, the short films made by high school students have been featured in over 65 film festivals across the country.

Student Films

Laos: Wings of Peace

Can folding origami cranes bring peace? In Wings of Peace, a video by Danielle Stolz, two teens journey to Laos with origami papers in hand. Boundaries of language and culture are transcended when Laotians affected by unexploded bombs fold cranes and share their dreams for a better life. Numerous film festival awards.

Laos: Wings of Peace
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Rwanda: The Rhythm of Healing

In The Rhythm of Healing, student Imani Cook-Gist shares the healing power of music and dance in Rwanda, a country devastated by the 1994 genocide in which one million people were slaughtered in 100 days. Traditional dancers, music students and the country’s most famous Gospel singer share their experience.

Rwanda: The Rhythm of Healing
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Cambodia: Angels & Demons

A young man returns to Cambodia to meet the people who saved his mother’s life during Cambodia’s 1975 genocide.

Cambodia: Angels & Demons
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