Project Description
Docs to Rock the Truth
The era of the doc is here! Important stories and valuable information has never flown so freely. Docs are hot and there’s no better way to change a heart or mind. Thankfully, we’ve been producing documentaries since they were far from cool. Over thirty years of experience coupled with numerous industry awards…over 40 Emmys, 10 Edward R Murrows, AAJA…help position the Story Boldly team to continue boldly telling stories that matter.
Japanese American Internment
The Napalm Girl
Rwanda: After Genocide
Japanese Tsunami
Climate Change
Haiti Quake
Nisei WWII Soldiers
Laos Secret War
Cambodian Genocide
Many more…
Our Documentaries
By the end of the war, the Japanese American soldiers became the most decorated unit in US military history. But, more importantly, they helped change the world. History books, shamefully, omit their incredible contributions. This doc shines light on the brave, patriotic legacy of The Japanese-American Soldier of World War Two.
Over 40 years ago we met The Napalm Girl. The iconic photo woke the world up to the brutal reality of collateral damage. We traveled to Vietnam to the very spot where history was made to produce the Emmy Award-winning, The Power of a Picture for ABC7, Los Angeles.
During World War II, the US incarcerated 120k Japanese Americans. Stripped of their rights, their only crime was their heritage. This doc tells the story of the Heart Mountain internment camp in Cody, WY. Winner of four Emmys and two Edward R. Murrow Awards. Watch Act One here!
FACEism is an Emmy-winning series exploring race and discrimination in the US. The Mission: Expose our often ignored history, erase stereotyping and move towards a better understanding of each other. Watch a story about the racist history of public swimming pools. More info:
Documentary about the climate crisis. We travel to Iceland, Greenland, Denmark, Japan and California to explore the effects of a warming planet. Aired on ABC stations throughout the US. Watch a segment on Icelandic volcanoes and melting glaciers.